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Forest Protection

Kariba REDD+ Forest Protection

Protecting almost 2 million acres of forests and wildlife that form a giant biodiversity corridor near the Zimbabwe-Zambia border.

The Kariba REDD+ Project will generate approximately 196,500,000 carbon credits from reduced emissions associated with deforestation over 30 years. The reduction in deforestation will be achieved through a series of activities that are designed to significantly improve the livelihoods of locals, such as improved agriculture, beekeeping, fuelwood plantations and fire management. In addition, a significant share of the project’s carbon income will be invested in general activities that promote and guarantee project sustainability. The project’s Community and Project Sustainability Fund is structured to benefit whole communities, specifically the poorest members of society. The fund will be used to improve health and education in the project area with its long-term activities.

Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe